Friday, February 4, 2011

Hello Kitty!

Hello Kitty cupcakes were delivered this afternoon! They were loved. =) I <3 it when people enjoy the food that I make and even more enjoyed this week of treats! As for the Hello Kitty cupcakes that went out today, I am hoping to see photos of her daughter's face when she sees them tomorrow for her Hello Kitty themed skating birthday party!
I finally caved in to my lemon craze as of late and made some lemon cupcakes with cream cheese frosting tonight. I went to a different grocery store than normal and compromised on my cake mix purchase. Let's just say that I won't do that again as the texture of the cake was just a little bit off to pique my curiousity about it and decide I will never use this other brand of cake mix again. Although, it has brought to light how important it is going to become for me to create my own cake mixes from scratch. I'll be looking forward to having more space to keep the supplies to undertake this new endeavor, but I'm afraid that might not be for a little while. So in the mean time I will stick to my trusty cake mix and not stray for a better price again. I'm also not sure what to do with these extra cupcakes... I might wrap them up and save them for Monday to take to work, but on the other hand I don't know if I want to share this batch. My husband says it tastes good to him... so I might just be pickier. ;) lol
I'm also feeling particularly happy this evening because I went to my local Lifestream and gave blood today. The last time I went, my iron was too low for their standards to give so I had to wait and come back. It's silly to think that I can't explain how happy I was when my blood sank to the bottom of that small blue bottle of liquid. After I was done donating, I got my arm wrapped in a lime green and white bandage with a small pink and green bow, haha. Then off to eat some chips and drink some water and I was all through. =) 

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